There are many different types of lighting techniques which all have different effects on the scene and atmosphere. Some of these are:
- The key light- a very bright light and it is very influential.
- The back light- helps to soften the key light and makes the character/object more "rounded"
- Filler lights- Softens the effect of shadows and helps make the change between shadows and light more gradual. Lessens the shadows that key lights and back lights make.
- Hey key-More filler lights are used which makes the lighting look more normal and like that that we see everyday in real life. Areas of darkness will not be as distinct.
- Low key- Created by using key and backlights only, which creates contrast between light and dark, giving this type of lighting the nickname "filmnoir". It also gives the scenes deep dark shadows.
- Underlighting- Is where the main light source comes from underneath the character/ object. This makes it look distorted and it is often used in horror movies.
- Toplighting- It is used to make the character look glamorous as it softens edges . The main source of light comes from above.
- Backlighting- Is used to create silhouettes. The main source comes from behind the character/object. It is also used in horror and thriller movies to create an air of suspense as the character is not easily recognisable.
- Colour- Colour is used to create mood that the film company want the audience to feel. . it will awake connotations that the audience already associate with that colour, e.g. Red and Violence.